Are you ready to support your patients with cancer?
This hub will enable to you access free bite sized learning and fingertip information to help you help your patients with early diagnosis of cancer and during cancer treatment. It is designed for all members of the pharmacy team. You can use it to prepare for conversations with customers in the pharmacy and you can use it to quickly access information when speaking to patients on cancer treatment. This hub has been designed by the Let’s Communicate Cancer team to compliment the e-learning package and encourage you to Play Your Part in early cancer diagnosis and treatment.

Financial support was provided as an independent medical and educational grant from Pfizer.
A series of short videos, an animation on lifestyle choices, a PDF of skin issues and a myth busting quiz
A series of videos from expert Elaine Vickers which takes you on a journey to understand cancer
A second series of videos from Elaine Vickers teaching you about the cancer treatments and how they work
Comprehensive fingertip information for you to support your patients in the pharmacy on aspects of the cancer journey, including palliative care
Learn and develop your cancer care skills with a series of external resources
Quickly determine whether a drug can interact with cancer treatments
Signpost your patients requiring reliable information on cancer, in general and the specific types of cancer
Information from important cancer organisations to help your cancer care
Instantly downloadable factsheets which have been specifically developed for community pharmacy teams and other patient facing healthcare professionals
Further support from the NPA on cancer