From 10 Downing Street to the national media, with Cabinet and Shadow Cabinet Ministers, with the NHS and politicians of all parties the National Pharmacy Association has been raising your concerns about the broken contract and funding model.

You’ve told us how difficult things are in community pharmacy – a crisis driven by 40% real terms cuts for the sector over the last decade with the proportion of NHS budgets spent on community pharmacy falling from 2.4% to 1.6%.

We lobbied hard to deliver £645m funding for Pharmacy First. Yet despite this new funding we believe the crisis will continue to be intensify – from national press and television to Government and Opposition leaders we are constantly raising the alarm

Our Chair Nick Kaye and board members from front-line pharmacies across the country join the NPA team telling decision-makers time and time again how the funding crisis has had a huge impact on your work – and your communities.

We are calling for a new deal for community pharmacy

  • Community pharmacy to receive 2.5% of the NHS budget
  • A moratorium on clawbacks until a new contract and funding model are delivered
  • Year-on-year inflation linked increases guaranteed
  • A new contract based on payments for dispensing, clinical services, de-prescribing, prevention and social prescribing
  • An end to being seen as second-class in the NHS, and a route through which to squeeze out cost, when other clinicians are treated with respect and as clinical experts, and
  • An end to community pharmacy closures.


The NPA is leading the response of the independent sector to proposals from Government and the NHS for 'efficiencies' in community pharmacy.

Leading ideas and evidence

We build the evidence for independent community pharmacy and lead the sector's thinking.

Political and stakeholder engagement

The NPA works tirelessly to push community pharmacy up the political agenda and ensure the sector gets the recognition and support it deserves.