
Represent lead advocate

A Special Election has been called to fill a vacancy on the NPA Board for members with 1-5 pharmacies in the North of England.
The provisional election timetable is as follows (this is subject to change – please consult formal election documents for details):

  • Formal start of the process and nominations open – Wednesday 15th May 2024
  • Nominations close – Noon on Wednesday 12th June 2024
  • Ballot closes – Noon on Friday 26th July 2024

Being a board member requires you to play a full and effective role in the working of the board, board committees and special purpose working groups. The representational aspect of the role requires board members to listen and understand the needs and interests of the Association’s members, and to communicate the actions the NPA takes on behalf of members. The NPA board has representatives from England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, which facilitates an exchange of learning to support progress across the UK.

For an informal discussion about the role of an NPA board member, please contact the Returning Officer, Gareth Jones g.jones@npa.co.uk . The election is being administered by Civica.

The electoral map is available here. If you have questions please contact the Returning Officer. This electoral area is known as Area 12.

Further information about the Membership of the Board and the Structure of the Board and electoral process is also available.