Local Market Insight FAQs


Who can subscribe to Local Market Insight?

This service is available to all NPA Member organisations (including Affiliates) that provide NHS services or have an NHS contract and are not already subscribed directly with Real World Analytics.  Applications for Local Market Insight service can be made on the NPA website at www.npa.co.uk/LocalMarketReport by using a head office / main pharmacy member number and postcode details.

I am a CCA member. Can I get access to these reports?

This service is only available to full NPA Members and Affiliates.  Otherwise, you may be able to gain access to a similar service directly from Real World Analytics at the RRP price.

I am not a member of the NPA. Can I get access to these reports?

This service is only available to full NPA Members and Affiliates.  Otherwise, you may be able to gain access to a similar service directly from Real World Analytics at the RRP price.


How many reports will I receive?

This is an annual subscription, and once subscribed you will normally receive one report every month for 12 months per pharmacy subscribed to the service.

How will I get my Local Market Insight report(s)?

Reports are emailed to the email address specified in the subscription  As and when the data is made available to RWA.

When will I get my Local Market Insight report(s)?

Reports are distributed once the data is available for RWA to process which normally takes place early to mid part of the month – please bear in mind that if you have subscribed during the second half of a month, it is likely your report will be added to the distribution list from the 1st of the following calendar month.

Who will the reports be sent from?

Reports will be sent directly from Real World Analytics from the email address – npa@realworldanalytics.com – please add this to your safe recipient list.  If reports are not received, please check your spam folder in the first instance


How do I pay for my Local Market Insight service?

Payment for the Local Market Insight service is  made via payment of an invoice, which is generated from your NPA sales account and standard NPA payment terms apply.

How much does the Local Market Insight service cost?

The annual subscription to receive the Local Market Insight report is £10 +VAT a year, per pharmacy.

I want to cancel my subscription?

This is an annual subscription which auto renews every year, cancellations or refunds cannot be processed once the first report is delivered.  Failure to pay for the Local Market Insight service may lead to your NPA account being placed on stop until payment is made.

Notice not to renew the subscription must be given prior to 30 days of the annual renewal date by emailing LMR@npa.co.uk detailing your member number and company name.


What support will I receive in understanding these reports?

The business insight has the potential to enable NPA members to get ahead of their local competition, focus on actions which can grow their business and, importantly, monitor the results of their actions as well as dynamic changes in their local market place on a monthly basis.

Where can I find out more information?

We will regularly provide updated content on how to get the most of your Local Market Insight service. These will include tips, videos and blogs, which can all be found on the NPA website and will be sent in regular communications.

I need to update my details?

To update your contractor code or the recipients email addresses for the report(s), please contact LMR@npa.co.uk detailing your member number and company name and the changes you wish to make.