Health Education Foundation
The NPA’s Health Education Foundation has been successfully supporting pharmacists to undertake community pharmacy practice research for thirteen years.
The NPA’s Health Education Foundation (HEF) was established in 1989 to advance public education in the prevention and proper treatment of disease and ill-health.
HEF has been successfully supporting community pharmacy practice research for thirteen years. The annual £10,000 bursary aims to encourage pharmacists to undertake research in this area.
View some of the research produced by previous bursary recipients:
Could you help the Health Foundation fund its work?
The Health Education Foundation is a registered charity and relies on the generous support of pharmacists and the public to continue its good work.
The aim of the charity is “the relief of sickness and preservation and protection of health in particular by advancing public education in the prevention and proper treatment of disease and ill health and the correct use of medicines and other forms of therapy.”
See the linked article in the sidebar (Jackie Lewis)
Making a donation, or leaving a legacy, through the HEF, represents a fitting way for a successful lifelong pharmacist to make a lasting difference, and enable pharmacies to develop and fund innovation which improves patient outcomes.
If you would like to help the HEF achieve more for the benefit of pharmacists and the public, please contact the Policy Manager, Helga Mangion or 01727 858687 or download the gift aid donation form
