Our standing Committees
The NPA Standing Committees are appointed every two years from the Board of Management of the Association.
Terms of reference for the Committees
Finance & Financial Audit
The duties of the Committee shall be:
- to consider the appointment of the external financial auditor, the audit fee and any questions of resignation or dismissal of the auditor
- to discuss with the external financial auditors before the financial audit commences the nature and scope of the financial audit, and ensure co-ordination where more than one financial audit firm is involved
- to review the Management Accounts and Annual Report and Accounts before submission to the Board of Management, focusing particularly on:
- any changes in accounting policies and practices
- major judgemental areas
- significant adjustments resulting from the audit
- the ‘going concern’ assumption
- compliance with accounting standards
- to discuss problems and reservations arising from the interim and final audits, and any matters the auditors may wish to discuss, in the absence of management where necessary
- to review the external auditors’ letter to management and management’s response
- to review the Company’s statement on internal financial controls systems prior to endorsement by the Board of Management
- to consider the major findings of internal financial investigations and management’s response
- review of investments
- to review, scrutinise and recommend to the Board of Management the overall financial, property and investment strategies for the company and ensuring that performance is optimised in the context of the Group investment strategy
- to review, scrutinise and recommend to the Board of Management the annual budget, including Member subscription fees, and monthly financial and management accounts
- to identify the principle financial risks of the Association’s business, regularly review these risks and implement appropriate systems to manage those risks
- to review the trading and regulatory solvency capital position of NPA Insurance
- to review the level of the dividend proposed by NPAI prior to endorsement by the Board of Management
The duties of the Committee shall be:
- to develop and oversee the provision of member and non-member services, including, but not limited to, sales, NHS contractual business and non-NHS income;
- to review, scrutinise and approve revenue and expenditure business cases and plans brought forward by other committees and executives, to ensure that proposals are affordable and consistent with the financial strategy and plans of the company within the limits set out in the Authorisation and Control policy;
- to review, scrutinise and recommend to the Finance & Financial Audit Committee revenue and expenditure business cases and plans brought forward by other committees and executives, to ensure that proposals are affordable and consistent with the financial strategy and plans of the company such activities that exceed the above limits;
- to maintain oversight of the membership in terms of numbers and sectorial split and to recommend to the Board of Management any proposed changes to membership criteria;
- to consider all matters relating to the professional and business practice of community pharmacy, including proposed and potential legislation, and all matters relating to professional development, the future of community pharmacy practice and healthcare in general, and to make recommendations to the Board or such Committees as appropriate;
- to identify and support development opportunities for all members both within and external to community pharmacy;
- to oversee the processes and performance of any other groups and/or sub-committees delegate to the Membership Committee from the Main Board of Management, such as the Business Innovation Group (BIG) etc. ;
- to initiate and oversee member communications and events;
- to actively contribute to the vision and strategy of the NPA with a goal to represent the needs and desires of all members.
Policy & Practice
The duties of the Committee shall be:
- to establish and prioritise policy and representational activity within the UK and Internationally. Including but not limited to: shape a regulatory and funding environment that supports our members to prosper through maintaining, establishing and developing productive relationships with external stakeholders; shape other aspects of the environment within which our members operate and maintain the Association’s position as a leading, credible, forceful voice for community pharmacy
- to consider all matters relating to the professional and business practice of community pharmacy, including proposed and potential legislation, and all matters relating to professional development, the future of community pharmacy practice and healthcare in general, and to make recommendations to the Board or such Committees as appropriate
- to identify and support development opportunities for all members across and outside community pharmacy and to ensure that new opportunities for commercial activity are properly identified, explored and developed in collaboration with the Membership Committee.
- to safeguard and enhance the reputation of community pharmacy and that of the Association.
Workforce Development
The duties of the Committee shall be:
- to regularly review the current portfolio of courses offered by the Association and determine their relevance and competitiveness in the market place
- to identify new opportunities for the provision of both regulated and non-regulated courses for members and their staff
- to monitor the electronic platform and consider its development into other National and International areas
- to increase the range of courses offered to include other professions and different disciplines, such as Public Health
- to ensure that new opportunities for commercial activity are properly identified, explored and developed in collaboration with the Membership Committee.