Archived on 20 December 2021 – this content has expired.

Covid-19: Protecting you and your workforce

Whilst you serve your patients and the public, protecting you and your staff is critical. The NPA have developed a number of useful resources and articles to help keep you safe during the pandemic:


Patient safety: 

Read the NPA’s latest Patient safety update  which highlights some key topics that are concerning most members significantly, as well as our advice on practicing safely and within reasonable boundaries during the current pandemic.



Read the latest update: Update on obtaining further PPE supplies



DHSC resources

Getting tested:

Track coronavirus cases:

Test and Trace how it works:

NPA advice

Read the latest NPA update: Access to tests for community pharmacy staff


Mental health:

Also, please read further NPA advice on:

Managing the mental health of pharmacists and the pharmacy team during the COVID-19 pandemic

Please see our compiled list of free resources for you and your pharmacy team

A new counselling service available with NPA Recommended Business Partner, Care First. During these difficult times you may find that you and your pharmacy staff need help with maintaining efficiency and a positive workplace environment. The NPA has newly appointed Care First who provide Employee Assistance Programmes to all NPA Members


Infection prevention and control

NPA update on UK health bodies have issued new guidance on COVID-19 infection prevention and control

NHSE&I ‘Every action counts’  suite of resources includes an implementation toolkit supported by communication and operational resources to strengthen IPC leadership and culture, staff and patient engagement, training, and operational management.


 Further advice:

Working safely during coronavirus (COVID-19)

Advice to patients and the public on social distancing

Advice for pet owners during the COVID-19 pandemic

Crime Prevention Advice for Pharmacies