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In my role as chief pharmacist at the NPA I meet a lot of dedicated pharmacists all over the country. The last few months, with government cuts hanging over us in England, have been difficult for everyone but something it has highlighted is the irreplaceable role that pharmacies play for the public.


The Department of Health’s community pharmacy funding ‘final package’ presents a significant challenge to community pharmacies across England.


Approximately 16 years ago I met Kirit Patel, Day Lewis Pharmacy, for the first time at the Queen Elizabeth Conference Centre, for a Pharmaceutical Services Negotiating Committee(PSNC) conference. After my election to the National Pharmacy Association (NPA) board, I was fortunate to meet Kirit again, who at the time was a contender for the chair of the NPA.


NPA chairman Ian Strachan today congratulated campaigners against cuts to pharmacy services, as the initial deadlines for an announcement from Government passed with no official word.


A lot of things have been hanging in the balance lately – indeed, I don’t believe that there’s ever been a time when so many things are utterly unknown. Post our collective vote to leave the EU, it’s impossible to know when or under what circumstances Article 50 will be invoked or indeed who will have the difficult task of doing it. Both the party in government and the opposition are in flux and…


Winston Churchill once said "Never give in — never, never, never, never, in nothing great or small, large or petty, never give in."