What’s new for 2024
Changes for 2024
All ECG flu training packages purchased via our ECG booking portal still include a free paper Flu PGD and PGDs are available at discounted NPA rates for members.
NPA members can also use a discount code for a 10% discount on Pharmadoctor service packages.
1. Covid vaccination
PGDs/service packages for private covid vaccination can be purchased from ECG/Pharmadoctor.
2. Weight management
The number of medicines available as part of the weight management packages have increased. See each provider’s site for details.
3. Travel
Pharmadoctor have included Dengue fever in their travel package.
4. Pharmacy First Service (England)
ECG have an online training module to support the delivery of the PFS in England.
*Note – all bookings for ECG face-to-face training must be made in advance of the training.