Travel health

To run a travel health clinic, you need to complete disease awareness and practical vaccination training and have a legal mechanism (be an IP or use PGDs/an eTool containing PGDs) to dispense medicines/give vaccines. If offering Yellow Fever, you also need to be a registered Yellow Fever Vaccination centre.

ECG Training

Online travel health training is available from ECG here and includes:

  • Disease awareness
  • Vaccinations (not practical training)
  • Risk reduction measures that travellers can take
  • Marketing your travel clinic

A travel health clinic PGD package can be purchased from ECG for travel vaccinations, malaria prophylaxis and traveller’s diarrhoea.

Vaccinators need to have completed training covering all practical skills required to vaccinate adults, children and infants, adverse reactions including anaphylaxis and basic life support for all ages.

Go to the ECG booking page for more detail about what is included.


You can support your Travel health service with the Pharmadoctor travel health service package.  

Advantages of the eTool

The eTool is consultation guidance software which guides you seamlessly through a full online travel health risk-assessment. It calculates which vaccinations and/or malaria prophylaxis are recommended for the trip (based on the most up-to-date guidelines). It contains the relevant PGDs to give legal authority to administer vaccines/dispense medications and keeps records.

Healthcare professionals can find travel health an extremely complicated area, with so many variables contributing to the recommendations regarding vaccines and anti-malarials. To deliver a reliable and clinically robust travel health service you need to consider both traveller requirements and the countries being visited.

Traveller requirements:

  • destination – countries and regions
  • age of traveller(s)
  • duration of trip
  • purpose of travel
  • accommodation
  • itineraries and planned activities
  • medical requirements / medication

Destination country information:

  • multiple in-country regional variations
  • recommendations can change depending on the season
  • requirements change in response to local disease outbreaks

If running a service using PGDs only, you would have to find the time and resources to research these variations during every travel health service consultation. Pharmadoctor has developed the eTool, so you don’t need to.

The system cross-references recommended vaccinations and/or malaria prophylaxis with the corresponding SmPCs to determine which are suitable.

The system creates a permanent record of the consultation for you and the traveller, including vaccines administered / malaria prophylaxis dispensed (chosen and refused by the customer), perfect for follow up appointments as well as clinical governance and auditing purposes.
Pharmacists need to have completed training covering all practical skills required to vaccinate adults, children and infants, adverse reactions including anaphylaxis and basic life support for all ages, as well as suitable travel health diseases awareness training (such as the free online Neva course).

Go to for more information about what is included and make a purchase.

Click here  for information for NPA members to purchase via Pharmadoctor. You will need your NPA member number to log in.


Nuumad is a subscription-based digital travel health consultation platform, with embedded PGDs. Running travel health consultations with Nuumad is quick, user friendly, and clinically compliant. Full benefits:

  • simple and easy user experience
  • consultations take 15-20 minutes
  • complex vaccine scheduling automation
  • quick follow-up consultations
  • pre-consultation risk assessment for patients
  • full travel risk advice and certificates
  • uses up to date travel data from NaTHNaC
  • health records owned by you
  • scale your team up or down whenever you want to with monthly or annual subscription options
  • ability to reassign licence
  • licences can be used at any location
  • find out more on

You can choose between monthly or annual subscription options. Get started from as little as £85.50 (ex VAT)/ per user a month (paid monthly, cancel anytime) with a NPA member discount.

Click here for your 10% NPA discount code. You will need your NPA member number to login.

To find out more about Nuumad, please visit the NPA trusted partners page

Back to our dedicated Vaccination training and PGDs page for other PGD packages available, training requirements, T&Cs, FAQs and the enrolment process.