Wholesale cover

This additional cover can be purchased as an extension to the Professional Indemnity Insurance, available exclusively for NPA members.

Cover includes Professional Indemnity, Product Liability and Public Liability for the pharmacy wholesale dealing operations.

Available to pharmacy wholesale operations conducted within the European Union or those countries covered by the EEA.

Policy features

Wholesale Professional Indemnity £10m for each and every claim
Excess Nil
Public Liability £10m for each and every claim
Product Liability £10m for each and every claim


We provide a bespoke cover for all levels of pharmacy wholesale operations, including cover for:

  • Pharmacy premises selling to other pharmacies/healthcare professionals.
  • Separate premises/warehouse selling to other pharmacies/and/or healthcare professionals.
  • Separate premises/warehouse selling to other pharmacies/and/ or healthcare professionals including repackaging and/or relabeling of a product.
  • Separate premises/warehouse selling to other pharmacies/and/ or healthcare professionals including repackaging and/or relabelling of a product including cold chain distribution.