Rajesh Patel, BSc, FRPharmS, MBE
Co-opted member
Rajesh Patel MBE represents members from Greater Manchester. Rajesh studied pharmacy at Manchester University, qualifying in 1986. He spent his pre-reg year with Boots, opened his first pharmacy in 1989 and now owns sixteen pharmacies in the Staffordshire, Cheshire and Greater Manchester area. He is a member of Halton, St Helens and Knowsley LPC, has represented the Greater Manchester Region on the NPA Board since 1998, a former NPA Chairman. He also represents the NPA in Europe as the Head of the UK Delegation to the PGEU and is the past President of PGEU. He is a non-executive director of National Pharmacy Association Insurance Company. He has been appointed as an external advisor to the School of Pharmacy at Manchester University.