Audley Mills Pharamcy – Essex

Role Information

Contact Name
Bhavesh Patel

South East

Audley Mill Pharmacy
55-57 Eastwood Road

Placement Type
2017-2018 Pre-reg Intake

Job Title
Pre-registration Pharmacist

Job Description

We are looking for a Pre Registration pharmacist for an Independent Community Pharmacy in Rayleigh, Essex for the year 2017/2018. Successful applicants will start their Pre Registartion year in June 2017

Applicants should be self motivated and be willing to learn at every opportunity.

We offer a an experience based Pre Reg year incorporating short placements –
• Placements will involve a placement in Hospital,
• Specials labs,
• shadowing CCG pharmacists and other Primary Care individuals.
• The placement also involves attending clinics held by an Independent Pharmacist Prescriber, within a GP surgery.

The pharmacy provides numerous enhance services such as NHS Health checks,
EHC, Smoking cessation services, Supervised Methadone Consumption, Chlamydia Testing, Flu Vaccination services, advanced Respiratory MUR’s and Incontinence services.

The student must be capable of working independently as well as part of the pharmacy team. They will develop their skills in the dispensary, making OTC sales and giving advice, health promotion and signposting

Positions Available

End Date

Role Details

Pre-registration pharmacist vacancy available. Application closing date: 28/02/2017

Send your CV and/or cover letter to: