Roger Davies Pharmacy – Finsbury Park

Archived on 1 September 2019 – this content has expired.

Role Information

Contact Name
Reza Nejad

UK, London

41 Stroud Green Road
Finsbury Park
N4 3EF

Placement Type
2019-2020 Pre-reg Intake

Job Title
Pre-Registration Pharmacist 2019/20

Job Description

Dear Final year Pharmacy Students,
I trust and I hope you are enjoying your final year studies. Now the time has arrived for those of you who want to choose a career in practising pharmacy, to choose a Pre-Reg placement if you have not done so far yet.
We are a small community pharmacy in Finsbury Park, North London.
I have been training Pre-Reg students for many years. I have had 100% pass rates; far better than bigger companies.
Being a small pharmacy, we have time to spend with our Pre-Reg students, and provide a one to one training.
Since we don’t have the facilities of the multiples and bigger companies, we encourage our Pre-Reg students to enrol with an external training provider, at a discounted fee which is exclusive to us, to train on pharmacy calculations, Drug Tariff, OTC, pharmacy law and more. The successful candidate would get involved in all aspects of running a pharmacy. This in turn, in my opinion, is a great advantage over other bigger multiples. This way, the Pre-Reg student gains the knowledge and skills of running a business as well as training to be a pharmacist.

I am looking forward to hearing from you.
Good luck
Mr Reza Nejad

Employee Benefits

Our employment package includes:
– 37.5 hours per week net working hours
– 210 hours of paid holiday (incl. bank holidays)
– A competitive salary of £19,500 per year
– 20% Staff discount on qualifying purchases

Positions Available


End Date

Role Details

2019/20 Pre-registration Pharmacist required. Application closing date 01/09/2019.

Send your CV and/or cover letter to: