The next Scottish NPA member forum will be in Glasgow Emirates Arena from 10am to 2.30pm on Tuesday 21st August 2018
The next Scottish NPA member forum will be in Glasgow Emirates Arena from 10am – 2.30pm, Glasgow Emirates Arena
The venue this time is the Emirates Arena, 1000 London Road, G40 3HG which is close to Junction 2 of the M74, or by train to Dalmarnock station.
The forum receives excellent feedback as being a great networking opportunity between NPA members and a useful platform to gain information and discuss what matters to independent community pharmacy.
If you would like to register for this event or for more information please contact
10 to 10.45 Community Pharmacy Scotland update – Adam Osprey, CPS Policy and Development Pharmacist (Executive Team Member)
10.45 to 11.30 General Pharmaceutical Council, Director for Scotland Lynsey Cleland – Changes to Pharmacy regulation
11.30 to 12.15 Round table/open discussion – Brexit and other current topics, NPA feedback
12.15 to 12.30 Pharm24Self demo (This product is not endorsed by NPA but has been a topic of conversation from some members, Pharm24Self are contributing to venue costs)
12.30-1pm – Break for lunch
1pm – 2pm – Falsified Medicines Directive- What we need to know! – John Palmer, NPA pharmacy IT Lead
2- 2.30 – Any other business and follow up
Coffee and pastries will be available on arrival. 10am prompt start.