Archived on 18 October 2022 – this content has expired.

Protected Characteristics 101 | a recap and recent developments – a WorkNest Webinar

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It’s against the law to discriminate against an employee on the basis of a protected characteristic such as sex, race or disability. But with case law constantly redefining what’s capable of protection, it can be hard to keep up to speed. This can result in mishandled situations and potentially costly claims.

Join us as we take a deep dive into the protected categories of workers, shine a spotlight on recent developments regarding long COVID and menopause, and share examples to help you handle common employee issues without falling foul of the Equality Act 2010, including remote working requests, inappropriate banter, flirtatious behaviour, and long-term absence due to medical capability.

In our upcoming 45-minute webinar, WorkNest’s Employment Law Adviser and Solicitor, Kirstie Beattie, will help your organisation to avoid legal risk by walking you through:

  • The nine protected characteristics employers need to know about
  • The most common types of discrimination claims (sex, race and disability) and potential new areas that could pose a claims risk
  • Example cases: testing YOUR knowledge through scenario-based examples before taking you through the best approach
  • What’s coming next: shining a spotlight on contentious areas such as the menopause and obesity
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