Archived on 21 May 2019 – this content has expired.

Understanding shortages/price concessions and how to maximise procurement

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Free of charge, as part of your NPA membership

Get expert answers to all your questions from the former Head of Pricing at PSNC, who helped to agree the concession pricing, and a member of the current PSNC negotiating team.

Better understand how price concessions are set, why we have so many lines now and how they impact/are accounted for across wider community pharmacy funding.

Understand the importance of:

  • Ensuring correct information is continually fed into PSNC for accurate price setting
  • Effective procurement and how certain factors can affect your bottom line
  • Why the factors we’ve talked about in this webinar series so far could signal that a change in funding is needed

Key benefits of this webinar:

  • How are price concessions set, why does it take so long?
  • How price concessions affect margin delivery and how this is accounted for
  • How to ensure efficient procurement
  • Find out more about the long term sustainability of the current funding model
  • How the current funding system may be disadvantaging independents and why a new system may be in order

This event is part of a series of webinars on Contract and Funding. Register for future events and find out more here.