Community Pharmacy Northern Ireland (CPNI) campaign
16 Nov 2018
CPNI is continuing to campaign on behalf of contractors amidst a worsening financial situation in community pharmacy.
CPNI chief executive Gerard Greene appeared at the recent all party parliamentary group devolved nations evidence session.
He described the specific workload and funding pressures in NI and warned that without a new contract, the sector is ‘in crisis’.
Further information emerged that several wholesalers have written to Department of Health Northern Ireland to warn “medicines supply will grind to a halt” because of pharmacies’ poor creditworthiness.
The NPA is deeply concerned at the financial position of many of our members in Northern Ireland. We encourage all sides to continue talking and explore all potential resolutions to this unprecedented and distressing situation.
Meanwhile , we want to remind members in Northern Ireland of the NPA support available to them to help them through financially straightened times:
· The NPA Business Efficiency Solutions pack contains information to help with SWOT analysis, GAP analysis, social media and PGD services as well as other resources to help develop new sources of income.
· The NPA has handpicked a number of Business Partners that can assist members in reducing costs and improving cash flow, in particular Mazars who specialise in business management crisis, cash flow problems and forecasting.
· Information you may wish to consider about pharmacy opening hours and staffing levels is also available.
· The essential standard operating procedures includes resources aimed at freeing up pharmacists’ time by delegating tasks to appropriately trained staff.
· Advice and support on FMD including a favourable rate for NPA members on one solution.
· Pro Delivery Manager which has been developed to increase the efficiency of delivery drivers.
· Support with day-today issues is available from the NPA’s pharmacy services team via or by calling 01727 891800.
Share your experience with the NPA
The NPA is always eager to build up its bank of evidence demonstrating the difficulties that community pharmacies are experiencing. Concerns can be emailed to