Company-led recall – Nutriflex Lipid Special without electrolytes

23 Aug 2018

A company-led recall for a certain batch of Nutriflex Lipid Special without electrolytes


CLDA number: CLDA (18)A/06

23 August 2018

Nutriflex Lipid Special without electrolytes – packs of 2500ml
(Manufactured by B. Braun Medical Ltd)

Braun Medical Ltd has issued a company-led recall for a certain batch of the 2500ml pack size of Nutriflex Lipid Special without electrolytes as follows:

Batch number Expiry date
170828053 31 January 2019

Further information can be found on the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency section on the GOV.UK website.

Produced by NPA Pharmacy team August 2018.