Company-led recall – Nutriflex Lipid Special without electrolytes
23 Aug 2018
A company-led recall for a certain batch of Nutriflex Lipid Special without electrolytes
CLDA number: CLDA (18)A/06
23 August 2018
Nutriflex Lipid Special without electrolytes – packs of 2500ml
(Manufactured by B. Braun Medical Ltd)
Braun Medical Ltd has issued a company-led recall for a certain batch of the 2500ml pack size of Nutriflex Lipid Special without electrolytes as follows:
Batch number |
Expiry date |
170828053 |
31 January 2019 |
Further information can be found on the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency section on the GOV.UK website.
Produced by NPA Pharmacy team August 2018.