Development of the NHS long term plan
21 Sep 2018
NHS England is currently working up a long term plan for the NHS, which will provide an overarching framework for a period of 10 years.
We encourage NPA members to get involved in the online consultation which is underway until 30 September
Meanwhile, the national pharmacy bodies are working together to engage the working groups which have been convened to cover the major themes set out for the plan. This includes working groups for primary care, prevention, clinical priorities including cardiovascular, and enablers such as workforce and technology.
The NPA has set out our own critical tests for the NHS plan:
- Will the NHS be a truly ‘Neighbourhood’ health service as well as a National Health Service, with more services provided close to home by providers embedded in local communities?
- Will the NHS be maximising the use of technology to achieve efficiencies but without having lost the human touch in health care, characterised by advice, support and treatment delivered face to face?
- Will the health service look more like a wellness service than an illness service, with an effective programme for prevention and health improvement?
- Will the poorest patients and communities have benefited from the new investment; will the differences in health outcomes between the better off and worse off have reduced?
- Will the potential of the entire health and social care workforce have been realised – not only doctors and nurses but local pharmacists and many others too?
For more information: