Closing date for NHS long term plan consultation online
28 Sep 2018
NPA members are reminded that the closing date for submissions to the online consultation on the development of the NHS long term plan is 30 September.
Related content: Development of the NHS long term plan
The long term plan is of strategic significance for the entire health and social care system.
The national pharmacy bodies are working together to engage the working groups which have been convened to cover the major themes set out for the plan. This includes working groups for primary care, prevention, clinical priorities including cardiovascular, and enablers such as workforce and technology.
A part of this collaborative effort, the NPA alongside the PSNC have provided the following briefings to working group leads. They each highlight how community pharmacy could help to meet the specific challenges that the NHS is trying to address in the long term plan.
Download the briefing on integrated and personalised care for people with long-term conditions and older people
Download the briefing on prevention, personal responsibility and health inequalities
Download the briefing on primary care
We will also be submitting an overarching response to the long term plan team at NHS England.
The NPA is taking part in a debate about the long term plan at the Conservative Party conference. You can watch from 5.20pm on Monday, October 1, via Live Stream at or join the discussion via
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